A Happy Bird Pecking Away At His Breakfast

DownBurst Media
The early morning light, so warm and bright 
Casting a glow on the grass, a beautiful sight
A happy bird pecking away at his breakfast
Feathers glistening in the sunlight, a joyful fest

Hopping from spot to spot, searching with glee
For the tastiest seeds, oh so free
The peaceful chirping filling the air, so sweet
Adding to the serene atmosphere, a lovely treat

A simple yet beautiful moment, in the dawn's embrace
Watching the bird enjoy his meal, in a tranquil space
Nature's beauty unfolding, in the early light
A scene of pure bliss, such a delight

The bird's happiness contagious, spreading wide
In this moment of empathy, let's all abide
So let's cherish these moments, simple and true
In the beauty of nature, let's find our cue

Poem/Lyrics By: Karri Levens