Grateful For The Message Of Christ

DownBurst Media
Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts,
Unity as members of one body, let's start.
Grateful for the message of Christ, richly dwell,
Teaching and admonishing, wisdom we tell.

In all we do, in word or deed,
In the name of the Lord Jesus, we lead.
Giving thanks to God the Father, through Him,
Reflecting His love and grace, never dim.

Live boldly, with hearts full of gratitude,
Honoring God in all, with attitude.
Let's walk in faith, with smiles on our face,
For His love and mercy, we embrace.

Colossians 3:15-17, a reminder so true,
To live in a way that honors the One who
Gave His all for us, in love so grand,
Let's follow His lead, hand in hand.

Poem/Lyrics By: Karri Levens