A Cardinal Sings Beneath The Desert Sky

Poetry For Jesus
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DownBurst Media

iHeartRadioAmazon MusiciTunesYouTubeDeezerSpotify
Perched on a swaying branch so high,   
A Cardinal sings beneath the desert sky.
Its vibrant red plumage, a captivating sight,
Adds grace to the landscape, a spark of delight.

The leaves rustle gently, a soft serenade,
In the warm golden haze where peace is displayed.
Nature's rich beauty begins to unfurl,
Each moment is treasured, each heartbeat a pearl.

In harsh barren lands, where resilience grows,
Color dances brightly, where the wild wind blows.
Simple joys whisper, reminding us near,
In the depths of our souls, quiet peace can appear.

Poem/Lyrics By: Karri Levens