Give Thanks In All Circumstances, Big Or Small

Poetry For Jesus
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DownBurst Media

iHeartRadioAmazon MusiciTunesYouTubeDeezerSpotify
Rejoice always, let your heart be light 
Pray continually, through the day and night

Give thanks in all circumstances, big or small
For this is God's will, He loves us all
Do not quench the Spirit, let it flow
Embrace prophecies, let your faith grow

Test them all, hold on to what is true
Reject evil, let God's light shine through
May God sanctify you, body and soul
Keep you blameless, make you whole

The one who calls you is faithful and true
He will do it, He will see you through
So rejoice, pray, and give thanks with glee
For God's love and grace will set you free

Poem/Lyrics By: Karri Levens