Praises To You, My God, My King
Poetry For Jesus
DownBurst Media
To you, Lord, I called with tears in my eyes,
Hoping for mercy, my heart full of cries.
What good is it if I am silenced and still,
If I go down to the pit, my voice to chill?
Will the dust praise you, will it sing your name,
Or will it be silent, lost in shame?
Hear me, Lord, be merciful and kind,
Be my help, my strength, my peace of mind.
You turned my wailing into joyful dance,
Removed my sorrow, gave me a second chance.
Clothed me with joy, my heart now sings,
Praises to you, my God, my King.
I will praise you forever, my voice will not be still,
For you have turned my mourning into a joyful thrill.
Poem/Lyrics By: Karri Levens