Thank You Jesus For This Sight, A Mourning Dove Spreading Her Wings

DownBurst Media
Thank you, Jesus, for this sight so sweet 
A Mourning Dove, in tree she takes her seat
Spreading her wings, she gracefully glides
Down to the grass, where she peacefully resides

In this moment, I am filled with gratitude
For the beauty of nature, so serene and true
The simple joys that surround us each day
Bring peace to my heart in every way

I am thankful for these peaceful scenes
For the moments that remind me what it means
To appreciate the beauty all around
And find joy in the simple sights I've found

So thank you, Jesus, for this gift so bright
For the blessings of nature, a pure delight
I am grateful for the beauty that I see
And for the peace it brings to me

Poem/Lyrics By: Karri Levens